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Abelian functions associated with a cyclic tetragonal curve of genus six

This page is a repository of results related to the following paper, published by Journal of Physics A : Journal website.
Preprint: arXiv:0806.2377.

Abstract: We develop the theory of Abelian functions defined using a tetragonal curve of genus six, discussing in detail the cyclic curve y4 = x5 + λ4x4 + λ3x3 + λ2x2 + λ1x + λ0. We construct Abelian functions using the multivariate sigma-function associated with the curve, generalizing the theory of the Weierstrass p-function. We demonstrate that such functions can give a solution to the KP-equation, outlining how a general class of solutions could be generated using a wider class of curves. We also present the associated partial differential equations satisfied by the functions, the solution of the Jacobi inversion problem, a power series expansion for sigma and a new addition formula.

Authors: Matthew England and Chris Eilbeck (Heriot Watt University).

This paper makes reference to a large number of relations, which for reasons of brevity have not been included in the paper. As such links to these relations are provided here.

In this paper we study the cyclic tetrogonal curve of genus six. This is the curve C, defined by f(x,y)=0 where

f(x,y) = y4 - ( x5 + λ4x4 + λ3x3 + λ2x2 + λ1x + λ0 )

We define the higher genus sigma function that is associated with this curve. We then use this to define sets of Abelian functions, including generalisations of the Weierstrass p-function, and Bakers Q-functions.

The sigma function expansion

We defined a set of weights for the variables and constants within the theory. This allowed us to calculate a power series expansion of the sigma function, by partitioning it into polynomial whose terms have the same weight ratio. We calulate the expansion as

σ(u) = C15 + C19 + C23 + ... + C15+4n + ...
where Ck is a finite polynomial composed of products of monomials in ui of total weight k, multiplied by monomials in λj of total weight 15-k.

We have calculated sigma up to and including C52. These polynomials are given in the text files below as funtions of {v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6} and the curve constants.

Click on the following file names for the text file containing that polynomial.

Relations from the Kleinian formula expansion

In Section 5 of the paper we gave Theorem 5.1, and described how we had expanded this result in terms of a local parameter. We then described how we could obtain an infinite set of equations between z,w and the p-functions. We gave the first three in equations (5.1)-(5.3) and mentioned that we had calculated the first 14. These can be found in the following text file, labelled pp1-pp14, with an obvious notation used: zw_eqs.txt.

Sets of differential equation satisfied by the Abelian functions

We have derived several sets of equations which are satisfied by the Abelian functions associated with C. For the precise definitionf of these functions, and the derivation of these relations, please see the paper cited above.

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This page is maintained by Matthew England.
last updated: 22nd March 2010