Pushing Back the Doubly-Exponential Wall of Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition


Project Partners

We have agreements with the following to supoort the project's research.

Maplesoft: the company who produce the commercial Computer Algebra System Maple.
Main Contact: J. Gerhard (Maplesoft Director of Research).

RWTH Aachen University: Develops the SMT-RAT Solver which uses symbolic computation algorithms is developed.
Main Contact: Prof. E. Ábráham.

Macquarie University: Much of the improvements in CAD projection in the last 30 years were developed here.
Main Contact: Dr S. McCallum.

The SYMBIONT Project: An ANR-DFG project using symbolic methods for biological network applications.
Main Contact: Dr T. Sturm.

University of Chicago: The Economics department here pioneers the use of QE technology for automated economic reasoning.
Main Contact: Prof C. Mulligan.

Other Collaborators

We are open to work with other researchers on topics in this area. We are happy to be collaborating with the following.

Prof Chris Brown (US Naval Academy): on adapting CAD algorithms to use dynamic variable orderings.